Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Preparations are underway

Well only 25 days to go to the big trip. It's been 12 months in the making with lots of research to pull it all together (thanks Cliff), and many hours of learning new technology whew. We head off on Sunday 10th February and fly into London on Monday 11th after a overnight stay in Seoul where it is currently 0 degrees.
With all that has happened during the last 12 months, my daughter getting married, my boyfriend selling up and moving in to name two big ones I thought the time would move slowly but no here we are getting to the pointy end of business.

We have built a shed, I say we but really it was Cliff as I got bronchitis and could not help. The shed will give us more room for storage.
Papers have been signed for renting my place out and Cliff has purchased a new camera and mobile to take with us. Hope we still have funds to live when we are away lol.
We pick up our flight tickets on 29th January so that's exciting.
Thanks Michelle for setting up this blog for me and for all the technical help given over the last few months.
Until we meet again, I am signing off.

Friday, 4 January 2013

Intro from your Daughter

Hi my name is Michelle and my mother Cheryl is going to travel around Europe for the next 9 months. As a going away gift I am creating this blog for her to use to post photos, stories and tips about travelling around Europe.

Hopefully you will enjoy it.

Love Michelle