Monday, 29 April 2013

Mondo X and St. Francesco Monastery

We discovered a lovely retreat run by a group called Mondo X within a short walk from our apartment. Apparently the church was built for the followers of Saint Francis so they could listen to his words in a sacred place. The church and grounds are now used to help people with addictions e.g. Drug and alcohol.

We had tried 3 times to arrange a visit but it was always closed even though we knew they did let people come in and look around. In Cetona they also have a public holiday on 25 April and they put on a garden market in the piazza on the Wednesday and Thursday and on both days arrange for gardens to be opened. We then heard that the Mondo X venue was to be opened for visits on Wednesday so we marched up the hill to find that yes they would take us through with a guy who could speak English. We meet up with a few Americans also staying in Cetona who had arrived at the Monastery same time.

The place has such a wonderful feel about it that I told Cliff that I was sure I could come up with an addiction that would allow me to stay at the place. It's not a free ride however as you have to work in the fields around the Monastery and I am sure they have to cook their own meals. Oh well it was worth a try.

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